[CIT2013]去肾交感神经化技术的生理学依据——Baker IDI Heart&Diabetes Institute Murray D. Esler教授专访
<International Circulation>: Will RDN get better results in patients with highly active sympathetic nervous systems, such as young patients or patients with increased heart rate?
Prof. Esler: I think it is a given that this technique will work best in patients with the highest level of sympatheticactivation. Identifyingthem is the problem. The clinical tests available are not very precise measures, but you can talk about clinical groups who have high sympathetic tone. One of them is milder grades of HT. It could well be that thistechnique will work well in mild ht and treatment of mild ht might be seen in the future. There are public health physicians now that say this will become standard care for all ht. they might even do it first, with medication added on top.
<International Circulation>: What are opinions on using RDN as prophylactic measure for HT?
Prof. Esler: It can be prevented from happening initially. It would certainly have to be proved safe in the long term. This is crystal ball gazing at this point. It is a wide open field and the limits are not clear at the moment.
<International Circulation>: Some people do not respond to RDN, can you comment on why that may be?
Prof. Esler: The failure-to-respond rate is around 15% and that is disappointing, given the inconvenience and cost to the patient. We only have possible ideas of why that happens. One possibility is that the HT in these patients is not driven by the sympathetic nervous system and we wonder whether the level ofsympathetic activation determines how well it works. The second is that the interventionalist may have had a bad day and did not perform the procedure well. It could also be that the devices-and there are several on the market now-are not perfect. There needs to be furtherengineering and product development. Sometimes they do not reach the nerves. The nerves are close to artery lumen but they are a little removed in some places. We never know for sure.